I've been slightly lacking on the whole blog idea. There's been alot going on and it's better to run through it all by pictures. The Going to the Sun road has been open for about a week and a half. Meghan, Bryant, and myself drove it on a beautiful day although there's still 12 foot snow drifts up at Logans Pass
There was also the yearly disco party over at the South Fork Saloon. Wild River represented by dressing in fashion and dancing our faces off for 4 hours
Sarah, Me, Sara, Bryant, Norma
Bryant, Sarah, and myself also climbed Apgar which you can see Wild River from an aerial perspective.
Meghan also had to go back to Eau Claire, she had tried getting a job at the local gift shop but that fell through and her Sheels job wanted her back by the first. It was an awesome time and I feel she loved every second of it. Me, Bryant, and Arnie have a 3 day two night overnighter coming up. It's my first which I am completely jacked for. We packed today and with 9 goobs we're gonna have alot of shit to bring. Below is the pile of stoves, food, groover, goob, bags, tables etc. We head out Sunday from what we considered rustic camping here to go off on the river with about 45 miles to run.